There is a rampant disease among American women today.
Pushing Restless Leg Syndrome and whatever Jamie Lee Curtis keeps talking about
during her awkward poop commercials out of the way; this sickness has crept into the lives of
86% of females between the ages of 20-38 (statistics are the result of a
stringent survey done via my web browser). You probably have it. It’s called
Binge Pinning.
Symptoms? Incessantly pinning every single jpeg you come
across on one of you 73 boards on Pinterest. Because there is no other
explanation for adding four different boxed brownie recipes adjacent to the
nineteen ab workouts that you can do before the shower and look like that hot
chick on your screen with the mini 8-pack. I mean, that’s feasible and all.
Clearly it doesn’t defy the laws of fitness as we know it. Pinterest makes the
rules here. And everyone who is creating these workouts is an expert. Duh.
Oh’s some stay at home mom, who is judging me and
my hour long workouts, as well as my pitiful excuse for a dessert. “You didn’t
include sprinkles, Oreos, a slice of apple and a caramel soufflé into one dish.
Nor did you top it with a homemade edible replica of your child’s face? Pity.
Peasant.” I hate those ladies.
Let’s get something straight here, Ladies. You are all doing
a poor job of hiding your crazy. And for you single ladies out there? Let me
tell you what isn’t healthy. Planning seven weddings. With no beau in site.
Luckily for you, Pioneer women just started her week of’ impossible chocolate
desserts that take twice as long to prepare and three times as long to cook as
what is described’. Holler atcha girl. You now have something to do while you
are watching TLC on Friday night picking out your perfect wedding dress…just in
case of course.
I have your back. It’s called private boards. And all of you
hookers need to get on that train pronto.
Look, I get it, you really like both mint and red, but you
are really digging the whole grey and blush theme. And what if your parents suddenly hit the lotto or your new line of
shabby chic furniture takes off and you can afford that $75k wedding. I know, I
know. It’s possible.
Save us all some time and just start a Secret Board. Heck,
you can even dedicate a board to each of your seasonally inspired weddings, and
another one to those Ryan Gosling memes you so thoroughly enjoy.
If I have to hear one more girl say she just really wants a
wedding ‘that is unique to her’, then I will literally kick a Corgi across the
room. Thanks to Pinterest, and your idea-mooching lovelies, there is no such
thing as unique ideas. Don’t believe me? Try clicking on any of those
beautifully framed pictures popping up on your feed. Linked to another
Pinterest board? Yeah, that’s because all you chumps are straight up licking up
each other’s pins, in some Arkansas-esque incestual pool of DIY hell.
Just cover that trash up. Lock it away like your love of
babies on a first date. Hide it along with your small, yet sturdy, collection
of One Direction posters.
And for the love of Bette Midler, don’t show it to the guy
you’re dating. Or to anyone who considers Sportscenter a hobby. It’s
disconcerting enough to know your lady is planning your wedding when you
haven’t even dropped the L word, it’s terrifying to know that every woman in
America is doing the same, including the already married ones. Ya know, just in
Help stop Binge Pinning. Pin in private.