Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yoga Pants

As we have clearly established; I am a terrible person. I am judgmental. I am picky, sarcastic and all around rude. I have spent a significant portion of my 4 hour layover in the Toronto airport teaching my parents how to play 'you forgot your pants'.

The game is quite simple: step 1: look around you (eh). 2. See which lady traveler mistook leggings for pants 3. Tell the group so they can point and laugh (there was a rather unfortunate British lady who, all by her lonesome, created a need for 'you forgot your shirt')

It's not a hard concept, ladies, if you would wear a dress or shorts over them....they probably aren’t pants. Did you buy them in the accessories department? Not pants. Made entirely of Lycra? You guessed it. Those aren't pants. Can you do the splits in them without busting a seam? Probably not pants. (did I mention I'm wearing yoga pants?? Yeah...I'm playing a game that I can't even follow the rules of. One point for at least having the word 'pants' in the name. Minus ten because a yoga sesh is nowhere in sight.)

I’m judging people for doing exactly what I, too, am doing. Someone should really make a word for that…it would be way easier to explain. I feel like one exists. Fraud? No, that’s for money and liars. Charlatan? No, I’m not being a showoff. Hypocrite? Well, certainly not. Those people are terrible….oh, wait. Frick.

Now, gazing out the window from 20 thousand feet into the seemingly endless black expanse that stretches before me, I am brought back to earth. I am utterly broken, self-righteous, stained and a far cry from the creature I was intended to be.

I constantly get lost in my own world. My French seat neighbor probably thinks all Texans are stark raving mad (sorry, team. I'm blowing it) due to dondon yelling my name from four rows back to see if my in flight pasta was worth it or if he should get the chicken and Mem then getting confused and yelling 'what are y'all sayin'?' Not to mention my impromptu dance session when I momentarily forgot I was in public and got carried away jamming to Gungor's 'Beautiful Things'.

Look, quit judging me, sometimes you and God just need to get down during a transatlantic flight. Get down, we did.  So not only is my pants status currently uncertain, but I'm also pulling some Dance Dance Revolution like moves in my seat. It's fine, I'll just blame it on the turbulence. I really don't blame her for pounding the complimentary red wine that the silly Canadians are passing out like candy. If I were sitting next to a delirious blonde, I would do the same.

We serve this incredible God who IS love. He does not simply love us, love is His very essence, the fragrant output of the I Am.  If God is love, then my inability to only see love is due to my separation from the one who embodies it. When I allow myself to dwell on the things of this world, I am removing the cross from the chasm it bridges, the chasm that separates me from my creator. In its place, I put myself, which clearly is not working out so well…otherwise I wouldn’t be so entertained by making fun of other people…and their pants (or lack thereof). 

Gungor puts it so well in ‘Beautiful Things’. God makes such beautiful things out of dust. He created us. Humans are in incredible examples of God’s power and divine ability. We are curious enough to discover atoms, one of the smallest particles in our world, stubborn enough to build machines that defy gravity, trusting enough to give our hearts to someone as broken as we are, adventurous enough to dive to the depths, yet careless to ruin the beauty that surrounds us.

When I say it is too hard to love those around me I am claiming that either (a) God isn’t big enough to make me whole or (b) I know better than God….neither of which are claims I am willing to make with my mouth, but my actions scream it from the mountain tops on the regular. Who do I think I am? Clearly, I have forgotten that I am a child of Love itself. (not in the 1962 sort of way…)

I totally don’t deserve the blessings that God has given me. I never will, but I certainly don’t right now. I just got a mile high swift kick in the religious pants…errrr….pant-like apparatus.

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