Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Table for Two

Table for two? That’ll be about 12 years….
Isa 30:18, Ps 130:5-6, Ps 27:15
I walked into Chili’s a few weeks back (pff classy) and asked for a table for one. The girl, a ripe age of 16, in her really sweet pre-’I lost the last ounce of my pride in an accident involving a curb and my Crocs back in ’02’ voice said “ummm so you’re not like waiting on anyone?” Yeah. No. Just me. Thanks though. And this little precious bundle of Abercrombie sat me at a table that could’ve fit a small blessing of unicorns and a gnome or two to enjoy a great meal of pretending to read, while I’m secretly praying my cell phone will buzz to remind me that I do, in fact, have a life.
But that’s really the question of the hour isn’t it? Am I waiting on anyone? And why am I waiting?
With all of the dating books out there, you would think there would be a book that’s dedicated solely to women. Not women AND relationships. Or women AND work. Or women AND anything. When I think back on all the conversations I have had with women about their future, there is always an understood theme of ‘waiting’.
I can’t wait to own my own home one day…when I get married of course. I want to backpack around Europe…with my future husband. I really want to try out that new Italian place on the corner...it would be a great date place.
Since when did my twenties become a limbo between my childhood and “my real life”?
I refuse to live a life full of Lean Cuisines and Say Yes to the Dress marathons simply because there isn’t some good-lookin’ man walking beside me. God never promised us a ‘soul-mate’. He is our soul’s reason for existence. He is our soul’s desire. Not a warm body next to me at night.
The only thing we were meant to wait on is God and God alone. Be strong. Be strong and wait on God. What up Psalms. Strength doesn’t sit on the couch all day because it’s too scared to go to the Olive Festival by itself (oops). Strength doesn’t order take-out because another evening of a corner booth alone seems daunting (guilty). Strength certainly doesn’t avoid the grocery store because the Veggie Steamer Singles won’t get off her back (seriously though...they need to get out of my face).
Now, before you start throwing Rebecca St. James’ lyrics at me, yes waiting is still necessary in your sex life. I’m not saying to go give it up in the name of single and in your twenties power. Close ‘em up, ladies. I’m simply saying that God built you to be an independent creature that can think and act and do, dependent only on the one who crafted every inch of you, down to your fingerprint. He created you to wholly worship Him, in whatever circumstance, with everything you have. He created you to live a life of reckless abandon in Him. Singleness isn’t a disability; it’s a freedom. A freedom that is overwhelming.  A freedom to see the strength that God grants us to live this life he has blessed us with.
He has come to give you a full and wonderful life. Stop wasting it on waiting.

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